
Photopress 1.0.2

First of all, I made a lot of changes, in a lot of places, so there’s probably something broken. So, if it doesn’t work, revert to your old version. But what if you didn’t back up your old version?? In that case, head over to the familypress repository for the version you want. Complete with tarballs for your downloading pleasure! (removed – ask if you need an old version) If you need an even earlier version that won’t work with WP 2.1+, those are still at

I added support for Lightbox. I wasn’t able to get it working manually, but this plugin did the trick. Install the plugin, set the Use Album option to Lightbox, and it should work. If you’ve been using tags, all your previous images will automagically use Lightbox too. No Lightbox groups yet because I’m not sure how to make that work.

Based on some comments (yeah, I do read those now and then), I did some testing of non-English characters and found some serious brokenness. The suggestion to remove htmlentities2 was on the right track, but some escaping was still necessary to keep Javascript/TinyMCE happy. The combo of js_escape and attribute_escape seems to work right but those of you who regularly use funky characters should test it out and see if it’s really fixed.

Apparently edit_posts is a bad default capability to use because it’s normally for Editors, not Authors. I’ve set the default to publish_posts instead. If you’re seeing the “Ask the administrator to promote you.” message then you need to go admin and edit the options at Options:Photopress so the uploading capability is something your blogging user can do, such as publish_posts. Sorry for the confusion!

Download it: photopress.tar.gz or


Photopress 1.0.1

Watermarking is back, but as a plugin now! I’m pretty surprised it works, and I think it’s going to be a great way to add features without cluttering up the options and whatnot . If you’re interested in writing your own sub-plugin, take a look at watermark.php.

I think I fixed the query_posts error.

There’s now an option to replace the built-in upload tool with the Photopress upload/browse tool. I don’t love how it works, but it does seem to work.

Download it: photopress.tar.gz or

Update: To clarify about compatibility, I’m currently using this version with WP 2.1.2. It probably works with 2.1, but I wouldn’t expect it to work with anything earlier than that.


Photopress 1.0

Please don’t take ‘1.0’ to mean I consider it to be perfect – I just ran out of 0.x space. This version does fix many bugs, including issues with editing categories. I know a bunch of you pointed out the problem, but when my mom noticed I had to fix it (no kidding).

The browse popup tool now has a drop-down menu for picking a page, which works much better with hundreds of images. In the process I fixed it so the filter choices are remembered, which makes a lot more sense.

Finally (I think), in the Mass Edit view the delete check boxes should be suppressed for images used in posts (if the right option is set). This makes it a lot easier to get rid of duplicates that aren’t used in posts. Oh yeah, there’s a new image for the visual editor icon. The old one is still there if you liked it better – poke around and you’ll find it.

Download: photopress.tar.gz or


Photopress 0.9.7 (WP 2.1+ only)

This version uses a new method to place buttons, this time stolen from the Anarchy Media Player Plugin. It’d be nice if the plugin API had an easy way to insert buttons – I guess maybe in 2.2 or 3.0…

Due to all the new files and folders, I suggest deleting your old Photopress folder (back it up first!), then installing the new files. Remember to keep your template and style files if you’ve edited them.

I’ve removed watermarking for now in order to clean up the code and interface a bit. I’m working on a plugin infrastructure so we can have features like watermarking without cluttering up the core plugin so much.

Some browser-specific notes:

Firefox 1.5-ish: The browser I use most often, so everything works properly for me there.

IE7: Seems to work fine. I have a half-broken laptop with XP for testing now so IE support should be better.

Opera: Inserting images in ‘Visual’ is broken in Opera. Inserting on the ‘Code’ side of the editor works though, so I guess that’s a workaround. Or you can use PP’s tags feature – that works on both sides.

Photopress 0.9.7 downloads: or photopress-0.9.7.tar.gz


Photopress 0.9.6

In an effort to fulfill a New Year’s resolution, I’ve (hopefully) squashed some bugs and bundled together a release of Photopress. This version works for me with WP 2.0.6. I did have one problem, which I think was related to changing hosts, not Photopress: the collation on one of the tables was different from the other one, breaking the queries. Some clicking around in phpMyAdmin fixed it.

Download it and give it a try (but I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to keep your old files if they’re working for you): or photopress.tar.gz.