
Photopress 1.0.2

First of all, I made a lot of changes, in a lot of places, so there’s probably something broken. So, if it doesn’t work, revert to your old version. But what if you didn’t back up your old version?? In that case, head over to the familypress repository for the version you want. Complete with tarballs for your downloading pleasure! (removed – ask if you need an old version) If you need an even earlier version that won’t work with WP 2.1+, those are still at

I added support for Lightbox. I wasn’t able to get it working manually, but this plugin did the trick. Install the plugin, set the Use Album option to Lightbox, and it should work. If you’ve been using tags, all your previous images will automagically use Lightbox too. No Lightbox groups yet because I’m not sure how to make that work.

Based on some comments (yeah, I do read those now and then), I did some testing of non-English characters and found some serious brokenness. The suggestion to remove htmlentities2 was on the right track, but some escaping was still necessary to keep Javascript/TinyMCE happy. The combo of js_escape and attribute_escape seems to work right but those of you who regularly use funky characters should test it out and see if it’s really fixed.

Apparently edit_posts is a bad default capability to use because it’s normally for Editors, not Authors. I’ve set the default to publish_posts instead. If you’re seeing the “Ask the administrator to promote you.” message then you need to go admin and edit the options at Options:Photopress so the uploading capability is something your blogging user can do, such as publish_posts. Sorry for the confusion!

Download it: photopress.tar.gz or

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By isaac

I like cats. he/him