
Photopress 0.9.7 (WP 2.1+ only)

This version uses a new method to place buttons, this time stolen from the Anarchy Media Player Plugin. It’d be nice if the plugin API had an easy way to insert buttons – I guess maybe in 2.2 or 3.0…

Due to all the new files and folders, I suggest deleting your old Photopress folder (back it up first!), then installing the new files. Remember to keep your template and style files if you’ve edited them.

I’ve removed watermarking for now in order to clean up the code and interface a bit. I’m working on a plugin infrastructure so we can have features like watermarking without cluttering up the core plugin so much.

Some browser-specific notes:

Firefox 1.5-ish: The browser I use most often, so everything works properly for me there.

IE7: Seems to work fine. I have a half-broken laptop with XP for testing now so IE support should be better.

Opera: Inserting images in ‘Visual’ is broken in Opera. Inserting on the ‘Code’ side of the editor works though, so I guess that’s a workaround. Or you can use PP’s tags feature – that works on both sides.

Photopress 0.9.7 downloads: or photopress-0.9.7.tar.gz

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By isaac

I like cats. he/him