We’ve had sprouting lids in our “lid drawer” forever, and thanks to Covid-19 I finally got some seeds started sprouting. So far I’ve tried fenugreek and this bean mixture. Fenugreek sprouts are a little bitter – I like them but the rest of the family not so much. Hopefully these beans and peas will be more popular.
bacon – 1 strip
1 onion
1 big carrot
1 big rib celery
2-ish pounds beef chuck
1 smallish cabbage
2 big beets
salt and pepper
This makes a big, meaty pot of soup, so adjust the quantities to suit your tastes. Preheat your oven to 275 F. Dice up a strip of bacon and start sauteeing that in an oven-safe pot or casserole. Add the diced onion, celery, and carrot. Once those are soft, add the beef – I went with small cubes but big ones would make it more stew-like. Once the beef has browned a bit add the chopped cabbage and grated beets. Add enough water to almost cover the stuff in the pot and bring it all to a boil. Cover and place in the oven. Cook until the beef is tender, about 2 hours. Season as you like – I usually add some salt, pepper, and vinegar.
Set your oven to 400 F. Soften up some vegetables in a skillet with butter. Add some sausage. Whisk up enough eggs and creme fraiche (or cream) to cover the vegetables and sausage. Grate cheese on top and put it in the oven. It’s done when it’s fluffy and golden brown. If you let it rest a couple of minutes it’ll release from the pan nicely.