
Instant Pot soy yogurt

I’m sharing this “recipe” because before I tried it I searched around and found nothing suggesting it would work.

You can indeed make yogurt in an Instant Pot using plain soy milk and regular Yogourmet starter.


  • 1 quart Unsweetened EdenSoy (the one with water and soybeans)
  • 1 packet regular Yogourmet

Whisk to dissolve the starter and run the Instant Pot for about 24 hours. Make sure the vent is open, and when it’s done watch out for the condensation on the lid – for thicker yogurt dump that down the drain. Pour the yogurt into a jar and refrigerate.

If you’re avoiding dairy due to an allergy, DO NOT use Yogourmet – it contains milk. There are other yogurt cultures around, or you can try using a plain non-dairy yogurt. Yogourmet is definitely a bit expensive, but I looked at non-dairy yogurt to use as starter instead and that stuff is also expensive. It’s supposed to be possible to use a couple of tablespoons of the previous batch of yogurt as starter so I’ll try that next!

A little update: I tried making a batch with a non-dairy coconut yogurt for starter and it didn’t work as well as the batch with Yogourmet. The flavor was fine, but it didn’t turn out as thick – more like kefir thickness than yogurt.

Speaking of kefir, I’ve also switched my kefir over to a mix of soy milk and honey. I don’t like the flavor as much as dairy kefir, but it works and the grains seem fine so far.

Kitchen photos

Coffee sock is good

Coffee sock, ready to go.

Love the Coffee Sock – I’ve saved so many paper filters!

Kitchen photos

Fried cicadas with cilantro and hot sauce.


I made dulce de leche

Dulce de leche

I followed the “classic method” in this recipe at Epicurious. They say it takes up to 1 3/4 hours, but mine took at least 3 hours to get this dark. I used my Instant Pot though, and it took me a bit to figure out how to get the thing to simmer.

If you have an Instant Pot Duo, to achieve a simmer use the Saute setting on the “Less” setting – just press Saute until that’s highlighted. If that’s too bubbly for you then try Slow Cook on More, but with mine that setting wasn’t a simmer.




These waffles are extremely dense, so usually a couple of quarters (along with way too much maple syrup) will fill up my local waffle eaters. I mix up the batter in a blender but any other mixing method works fine. This makes a rather thick batter – adjust the almond meal or liquid to suit your tastes and waffle iron. Heat up your waffle iron and mix up:

  • 4 eggs
  • 1/3 cup coconut milk, kefir, or yogurt
  • 1/4 cup almond (or other nut or seed) butter
  • 1 very ripe banana
  • 1 to 1.5 cups almond meal
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • a pinch of salt

My notes say this recipe made tender, not crispy waffles with the waffle iron at medium heat.

This same recipe can be used to make a baked “puffy pancake.”