20/20 Espresso by me
20/20 Espresso by me
The summer heat in the DC area can be oppressive, causing feverish dreams of cooler places. This year I had the good fortune to escape to Alaska for a couple of weeks in August.
I went fishing with my dad right away. Slim here tried to explain how to catch salmon, but I wasn’t really paying attention – I think I caught one to his three.
My cousin Peter was dad’s deckhand for the summer – baiting hooks, filleting fish, and washing the boat. Here he’s coiling the crab pot line as the puller brings up one of the pots.
We went to Seldovia, a pretty little town across Kachemak Bay, a couple of times. There’s this big old rusty boat, the Husky II, sitting there looking like it’s been underwater recently and might be headed back soon.
Spit Sisters makes great espresso, and happens to be located conveniently on the way to the boat. Harbors are full of things to photo, especially if you like reflections – I really like the landing craft’s colors.
To top off the trip, dad bought an old Honda Rebel! We spent some time getting the blinky bits working and each rode it around Homer. Given past events, you might expect a tale of broken bones next, but I made it out of Homer intact this time.
Within 24 hours of arriving in Anchorage I was on Kachemak Bay with my dad, looking for oysters and salmon:
I talked my father-in-law into going on a couple of trips, including one with nice weather and fun fishing:
A lot of the Anchorage-area family came down to Homer for Memorial Day weekend, so for a fun trip we went clam digging and mussel gathering in Sadie Cove:
We all went to Bishop’s Beach in Homer to fly kites and turn over rocks before heading back up to Anchorage to fly home:
There are a lot more photos in this Flickr set.