
Alaska trip photolog

Within 24 hours of arriving in Anchorage I was on Kachemak Bay with my dad, looking for oysters and salmon:

Working an oyster net Me and my salmon

I talked my father-in-law into going on a couple of trips, including one with nice weather and fun fishing:

Slim & Pete & a halibut Mike fishing for halibut

A lot of the Anchorage-area family came down to Homer for Memorial Day weekend, so for a fun trip we went clam digging and mussel gathering in Sadie Cove:

Washing the mollusks Our ride back to the boat

We all went to Bishop’s Beach in Homer to fly kites and turn over rocks before heading back up to Anchorage to fly home:

Assembling kites at the beach Madeline at the beach

There are a lot more photos in this Flickr set.


Muddy Buddies

Our friends Darcey and Aliza competed in a crazy race last weekend called a “Muddy Buddy,” where they biked and ran through a course on a trail at a state park near Richmond.

First Darcey started out on the bike…


Bumbling around Boston

I’ve been way too lazy posting this – it’s been a whole week and a half…

We met up with my mother in law last weekend for a couple of days in Boston towards the end of April. I’d been there a couple of years ago on a similarly-short trip, I think sometime in the summer. I was mostly on my own that time, so a great deal more shopping was done this time.


Bean soup

Bean soup


  • dry beans, such as great northern or navy
  • onion, carrot, maybe celery
  • leftover cooked sausage

Economic apocalypse means it’s a good time to cook some beans! First soak the dry beans overnight, maybe with a little lemon juice added to the water. Discard the soaking liquid and rinse the beans a bit. Put them in a pot, cover with water, and simmer until they’re tender and maybe a little overdone – I think that’s when the oozy bean soupy stuff happens. When they’re nearly done, dice up the onion, carrot, and celery and soften in oil, butter, or (ideally) the pan you cooked bacon in that morning. Dice up the leftover sausage and add that to the beans with the softened vegetables. Simmer a while then enjoy!


flickpress 0.7

Inspired a bit by Svein’s comment, I added a feature to search Flickr for Creative Commons and public domain photos. It’s probably still a little rough, but seems to work pretty well so far. Since most licenses require attribution, I’ve turned on the caption by default – and it now includes a link to the photo’s owner.

Download flickpress 0.7:

Also, flickpress is now at the WordPress Plugins ranch, so you should be alerted to upgrades now.