

Birthdaze is a simple plugin to keep track of birthdays. It installs a table to hold names and birthdays. It includes an admin page under the Tools menu to add, modify, and delete birthdays. Birthdays can be displayed using a widget, a shortcode, or using template functions.


The plugin automatically enables a widget you can add to your sidebar to show the current month’s birthdays. It has other options to change how the birthdays are displayed. The “Birthday format” field takes a standard PHP date() formatting string – see for all of the options.


Using the shortcode is an easy way to include a birthday list in a page or post without any messy theme editing. Here’s the shortcode with all the options and their defaults.

[birthdaze before="<li>" after="</li>" time="month" initial="TRUE" notfound="None found." bdformat="F j"]

So, if you just put [birthdaze] in a page or post you’ll get this month’s birthdays formatted like “John S: January 31” and surrounded by list tags. If you want to display all birthdays, set time to all – and to get the next week’s birthdays set it to week. Use day to only display today’s birthdays.

To avoid having to type in that crazy stuff for your before and after HTML tags, just use the visual editor – it’ll automatically escape the HTML for you. No surrounding tags are added, so for a list you’ll need to add your own <ul> tags. Date formatting is the same as the widget – see for all of the options.

Get the latest version of Birthdaze here: birthdaze-0.5.3