
Filez 0.9

Like Photopress, Filez isn’t all that useful now that the built-in uploader works so well. If you’ve been using Filez tags though, you’ve needed to keep Filez active so your old links would continue working. This version of Filez adds a migration tool to pull files into the Media Library, replacing all tags with links to the migrated files.

The migration tool is included as a separate plugin – to use it you’ll need to activate it, then go to Tools:Filez Migrate and click the button. Once it’s done you should be able to deactivate and delete both Filez and Filez Migrate.

Note that if you’re using W3 Total Cache with a CDN you’ll likely need to re-export your Media Library after using the migration tool – some of my files appeared to make it but not all of them.

Get Filez 0.9:


S3 doesn’t like plus in filenames

Exporting my media library files to S3 with W3 Total Cache has gone mostly smoothly, with one exception – S3 replaces plus signs in filenames with the urlencoded equivalent, breaking links on the blog that still expect the plus sign in the filename.

I know what you’re thinking – “Who puts a plus in a filename??” Well, over on the family blog anything is possible! I was surprised that WP’s sanitize_file_name even allows plus signs, but it does have a convenient filter to add to the list of characters to sanitize – sanitize_file_name_chars. So, I wrote a quick plugin to add a plus sign to the list:


Dreary on the Mall

From a cold, wet walk along the National Mall last November, here’s another chapter in my ongoing effort to ignore the aperture ring.


Trying W3 Total Cache

I’ve been trying out various WordPress caching plugins in an effort to improve page loading performance and reduce resource usage on my virtual private server. I started with WP Super Cache but quickly learned that it doesn’t work well with with DreamHost PS. Next I tried Hyper Cache and DB Cache Reloaded. While the DB Cache Reloaded description makes it sound like it does all the caching you’ll ever need, I think page caching is still a good idea to help reduce resource usage when a site gets a lot of traffic – if you can serve static pages to most visitors, your server might just survive.

I’d still be using that combination if I hadn’t found W3 Total Cache, which adds a few more features on top of page and query caching. First, it does “minification” – stripping whitespace out of your HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to make all of these smaller. Since they’re smaller, your visitors get your pages faster. Next, it integrates with Content Delivery Networks like Amazon’s S3. This means you can seamlessly host your static files like JavaScript, CSS, and images with a CDN, which can (probably) deliver them to your visitors more quickly than your web host. This also takes some load off of your server and makes it more likely you’ll survive a traffic spike. Of course, using a CDN costs something, but probably not much compared to what you’re already paying for web hosting.

I’ve been wondering how using a CDN would work with my media library – would images and files automatically get synced upon upload or would there be an annoying manual step necessary to keep things from breaking? I can report that images like this do indeed automatically get sent to the CDN upon upload:


I had one small problem setting up W3 Total Cache to use my S3 account – the plugin couldn’t create a “bucket” (a folder in S3-speak). I ended up using s3cmd to create a bucket and once I entered that bucket name in the W3 Total Cache options everything worked fine.



On our way back from the Lunar New Year Festival in Chinatown we walked through this quiet little park next the House of Ruth.