
An afternoon in Annapolis


Since we bought our car at a dealership in Annapolis, we felt compelled to take it back there for the first scheduled checkup. There are closer dealerships, but Annapolis isn’t very far and it’s a fun place to spend a couple of hours.

Pay to park

We had lunch at McGarvey’s Saloon, an Irish bar with pretty good food. I had their house ale and a bratwurst. After lunch we did a little shopping and wandering around. Mandi found an eye-bleeding bright red jacket and I found a sweet new shopping bag to replace this embarrassing one.


Pay to park

We went to Annapolis last weekend to take the car in for a checkup and spent a couple of hours wandering around town looking for beer and bratwurst, which we found at McGarvey’s.


The fishing hole in Homer

It’s a lagoon on the spit in Homer, where little salmon are released to go out and get big, then return to get caught. A couple of years ago, while hopping around on some rocks at the mouth of the lagoon I fell and broke my clavicle.


Calla lilies

Found these in Golden Gate Park on a trip to San Francisco. We met up with my parents and toured the city, walking way too much because the streetcars were too crowded.


Fritillaries on milkweed

I found these butterflies while hiking at Little Bennett Regional Park. A tick bit me on the same trip and I ended up having to get treated for Lyme disease.