
oEmbed Photolinkor 0.1

oEmbed in WordPress is pretty great – it makes embedding things in posts a lot easier. The way it handles Flickr photos annoys me though – shouldn’t they be linked back to the Flickr photo page as Flickr asks in their community guidelines? This really simple plugin just links to oEmbedded photos using the provided URL.

This plugin only seems useful if you embed Flickr photos. For Photobucket photos it doesn’t do anything special because Photobucket oEmbeds aren’t handled properly in the first place – oEmbed only handles direct links to Photobucket photos, not links to photo pages. So you’ll just get a link to the image you already embedded. I have no idea why they’re wasting the opportunity to get links back to their site…and all those ads.

Get oEmbed Photolinkor 0.1:


flickpress 1.7.1

When I tried to post a photo earlier today over at my little photo blog flickpress gave me a notice saying my API key was no good. I think Flickr does expire keys from time to time, so I checked my key. It looked correct so I did some further testing. I finally figured out that the Flickr API no longer includes the flickr.test.echo method, which flickpress was using to test API keys. It seems silly to me, but the easiest way to test now appears to be to just fetch a recent photo – so that’s what flickpress does now.

This version also fixes some cosmetic issues in the popup tool. It should be fully compatible with WordPress 3.0, but I’ll wait until the actual release to claim it really works. I’ve done a little testing with WP 3.0 in MU-mode and flickpress seems to work, but others have reported it doesn’t work.

Get flickpress 1.7.1 at the WordPress Plugin Directory or by upgrading as usual.


Photopress2 0.2

As expected, I found a bunch of bugs when testing the album. The biggie is that WordPress doesn’t make “real” attachment pages for attachments that don’t have parents. To make things really interesting, it does make sort-of attachment pages for logged-in users, but not for visitors. So, this version fixes the problem by linking directly to the image file when an image doesn’t have a parent.

I also added an option to turn off caching, mostly to make testing easier. In the same vein, just visiting the options page will now clear all caches and flushes the rewrite rules, which should help with some caching weirdness I was seeing.

Download Photopress2 0.2:


Photopress2 0.1

While the uploading parts of Photopress aren’t very useful anymore, I still like some of the other features, such as the album and random image widget. So, this plugin adds an album, a widget, and a shortcode to display the images in your media library.

If you’re migrating from the old Photopress and used the migrate tools in 1.8 then Photopress2 will import your categories as tags for your migrated images.

To activate the album, create a new page with this in it somewhere: <!–pp2_album–>

If the page slug for your album page is something other than ‘photos’ go to Settings:Photopress2 and enter it there.

Enter tags during upload or when you edit an image.

Since this is the first version, there are bound to be some…issues – let me know what you find.

Download Photopress2 0.1:


An afternoon in Annapolis


Since we bought our car at a dealership in Annapolis, we felt compelled to take it back there for the first scheduled checkup. There are closer dealerships, but Annapolis isn’t very far and it’s a fun place to spend a couple of hours.

Pay to park

We had lunch at McGarvey’s Saloon, an Irish bar with pretty good food. I had their house ale and a bratwurst. After lunch we did a little shopping and wandering around. Mandi found an eye-bleeding bright red jacket and I found a sweet new shopping bag to replace this embarrassing one.