
Photopress 1.1

Sorry for the lack of updates… I’ve been using this version with WP 2.3.2 and it seems to work well. I have no idea whether it works with older versions or not. It’s mostly a few bug fixes and one major change.

The major change is with the way the album template works. Based on a post at, Photopress now uses one of your theme’s template files for the album. By default it uses page.php, but you can specify any template file in th options. I suggest copying page.php to photos.php or something like that and removing the “edit this page” code for a cleaner album appearance. If you were already using a custom template I think you can just specify that in the options instead of page.php.

The biggest ongoing problem seems to be with the album failing without a permalink refresh. Just update your permalinks and it should work again.

Download it: or photopress-1.1.tar.gz

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By isaac

I like cats. he/him