
Photopress 0.7.1

This version fixes a bunch of bugs introduced with the database table. No more errors with zero or one image uploaded. There’s now an option to retain the original images (disabled by default – see Options:Photopress to enable it). Finally, Photopress should now produce valid XHTML. Note that this required putting the album CSS in a separate file, so if you’ve customized album.php you’ll want to move your CSS from there to pp_album_css.php.

Download Photopress 0.7.1: OR photopress.tar.gz

Here’s what I’m planning on doing next:

  • Multiple-file uploader – I’ve got the Javascript to make the form but need to write the PHP to process the files.
  • Optional paths in Options – if Photopress guesses your path info badly there should be an easier way to set it manually.
  • Thinking about how Photopress might fit into WP 1.6.
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By isaac

I like cats. he/him