
Chilly Alaska photos

I’ve been way too lazy about getting these online…

Here are a few of Mandi dressed for the cold:

Mandi and an iceberg Mandi bundled up Mandi and a snowbank

Some snowy trees and a silly sign:

Snowy tree in Sterling Three tree tops in Sterling No camping

Old Capitol pillars at the Arboretum

Took these back when the weather was a little nicer. The columns were removed from the Capitol in 1958 as part of a remodel, but weren’t placed at the National Arboretum until the 1980s. The National Arboretum web site has more information.

Pillars and sky at the Arboretum Pillars at the Arboretum straight-on view Pillars at the Arboretum

Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia

This is the view of the Cathedral from the hotel window, at night and during the day:

Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul at night Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul

The hotel window was pretty dirty, but I can’t really tell, I guess there’s just a little extra haze.


Assateague Island

We went to Ocean City a couple of weeks ago and drove down to Assateague Island on the way back to DC. There were a lot of horse and deer tracks along the beach but the critters themselves weren’t there. We finally found them when we drove down the island to the National Seashore area.

Mandi and Isaac at Assateague Weird crab shell

Assateague ponies Sunset on the Bay Bridge


2002 San Francisco trip photos

A few photos from our trip to San Francisco in February 2002:

The Buena Vista The Hercules

Sunset part 1 Sunset part 2