While the uploading parts of Photopress aren’t very useful anymore, I still like some of the other features, such as the album and random image widget. So, this plugin adds an album, a widget, and a shortcode to display the images in your media library.
If you’re migrating from the old Photopress and used the migrate tools in 1.8 then Photopress2 will import your categories as tags for your migrated images.
To activate the album, create a new page with this in it somewhere: <!–pp2_album–>
If the page slug for your album page is something other than ‘photos’ go to Settings:Photopress2 and enter it there.
Enter tags during upload or when you edit an image.
Since this is the first version, there are bound to be some…issues – let me know what you find.
Download Photopress2 0.1: pp2.0.1.zip