
Photopress2 0.6

This version is a big update, so there are bound to be some bugs. The plugin now uses the WordPress taxonomy system for tags, and includes paging all over the album. There’s a tool for importing your tags into the new taxonomy.

The tag displaying template function now has more options:

<?php if (function_exists('photopress2_image_tags')) photopress2_image_tags($before='Image tags: ', $between=' ', $after='', $id=get_the_ID()); ?>

If you’re using the template function in your theme you should update that since the old version will display all of your tags…

Suggested upgrade steps:

  1. Deactivate and delete the old plugin.
  2. Unzip the new plugin, creating a “photopress2” folder in your plugin folder.
  3. Make sure your album page contains <!–photopress2_album–>
  4. Go to Photopress2 : Settings and verify your album page slug and other settings.
  5. Refresh your permalinks at Settings : Permalinks.
  6. Go to Tools : Import photo tags to import your Photopress2 0.4 tags.
  7. If you’re using the template function, update that.
  8. If you use a cache plugin, clear it.

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By isaac

I like cats. he/him