
Photos of the Snowpocalypse

Our street still wasn’t plowed earlier today, but enough people had driven up and down it to pack the snow down pretty well. The Mini has very little ground clearance but made it the 1/2 block to the nearest plowed street and we were free! We just went out for groceries and gas, but it was sure nice to get out of the neighborhood for a little while. Even though the big roads have been plowed there’s a lot of slush and ice all over the place.

Digging out the Mini Kitty prints Snowy pole

Sign casualty BMW-shaped snow drift

Not long ago a plow finally came by. I can’t tell whether it moved any snow, but maybe the salt/sand will get some melting done before the next snow storm starts tomorrow.

Ready to snowshoe Penelope likes snowshoes


Snowed in

Shoveled path.

The storm ended a few hours ago, and I think we’ve got more than two feet of snow. We still had a couple of inches left over from the last storm in the back yard, so there might be 30 inches out there. Maybe tomorrow I’ll snowshoe out to find out.

We cleared a shovel-wide strip to the sidewalk and around one car. Hopefully a snow plow will clear our street tomorrow – we saw one go by a block away so there’s some hope. It’s supposed to be sunny so maybe that’ll help melt off the cars.

The most serious issue so far (besides stir-craziness) is that the cable and internet went down early this morning and haven’t come back. Hopefully Comcast is working on it, but since the road hasn’t been plowed yet I can’t really fault them. Fortunately, we’ve got power, iPhones, a couple of Netflix, and an expanded Tivo full of suggestions. We shouldn’t get bored enough to try to light anything on fire until at least Monday.



That last post sure looks pretty silly after the huge pile of snow that just fell on us. We ended up with about 20 inches with deeper drifts in places. We dug out our sidewalk and cars yesterday, but the street still hasn’t been cleared. Thanks to our fearless neighbors it’s all packed down though, slippery but passable.

Plenty of snow Snowshoeing on Mapleview
Buried BMW Measuring the snow Snowy backyard



Our little shared joke in the DC area in the winter is that whenever it snows the littlest bit the world is coming to an end. This season’s first earth-destroying event arrived a week or so ago, bringing us a nice layer of slushy snow that stuck around for a day or two.

Snowy fernBlizzard in Silver SpringSnowy helicopters

Snowy bench