

This is a very simple plugin that adds a couple of things to users’ profile pages. It displays the user’s avatar if one is available, with a link to so they know where to go to get one. Next, it adds fields to collect Facebook and Twitter usernames, which you may wish to display on author pages or other places. That part of the plugin is based on Twitter Profile Field.

My users sometimes enter their profile URL instead of their username, mostly for Facebook because usernames are still pretty new there. So, when using the “username” fields, keep in mind that they may actually contain URLs. I just look for “http:” using strpos and either treat the field as a URL or username.

I may expand this plugin to support adding arbitrary stuff to the Profile page. Also, it would be nice it I could figure out how to determine the username based on a supplied URL, and throw an error if there’s no username.

Download Profilo 0.1: