
Tiny blue flowers

The grassy parts along Washington Channel near Hains Point were filled with these tiny blue flowers when we went down to see the cherry blossoms.


Tree drain

Tree drain

Oliver and I hang out under a huge old oak tree in Rock Creek Park to watch the Metro trains and eat daffodils. Last time we were there we noticed this dripping pipe hanging out of the tree around 15 feet up. It’s near a dead part of the tree – I guess that’s got something to do with it?


Magnolia #2

There are two huge magnolia trees along our usual walk through Rock Creek Park. Oliver loves to play with the pile of sticks under the trees, giving me some time to take a few photos before he makes a run for the road or the creek.


Inset box shadow test

The Coho in Victoria harbor

Just testing out this example at It appears to work well, as long as you don’t mind linking your inset-shadow images. I’d imaging using a div or span wrapper would work fine too.



I got a 50/1.4 Canon autofocus lens for Christmas. I prefer the feel of old manual lenses, but for following kids and cats around auto is the way to go. I also have a nice 28-135 auto zoom lens, but the 50/1.4 lets me get a lot of shots without using an obnoxious flash.