
flickpress 1.9.2

This version fixes more bugs uncovered by WP_DEBUG and adds a way to import Flickr images into the Media Library. When you’ve clicked through to a photo, if your user has upload permission there’ll be a link at the bottom of the popup to import the image as an attachment to the current post. Then you can use the imported image as you would any other attachment, such as for the post thumbnail or featured image. Please only import images when you have permission to do so!

Get flickpress 1.9.2 at the WordPress Plugin Directory or by upgrading as usual in your WordPress admin panel.

Update: I installed a derivative of Twenty Ten so you can sorta see the image import feature in action. I imported a photo of a leaf and set it as the featured image for this post, so if you’re viewing this post by itself you should see that as the header image.

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By isaac

I like cats. he/him