I almost just appended a note about this version to the last post, but some of the new stuff is pretty spectacular. As usual, please let me know if you find anything broken.
New features and fixes:
- Automatic permalink setup. Turn on the option and update your permalink structure at Options:Permalinks. Thanks to this page in the codex.
- Paging and sorting in mass edit and browse were a bit broken but should be fixed now. I also added sorting by category.
- The mass editor now has a delete field, and also popup links to images.
- I added a category manager where you can change category names.
- album.php has been renamed to pp_album.php. Now you don’t have to rename it if you copy it to your theme folder.
- Choice of CSS classes when inserting images into posts. Enter a space-separated list of classes to use in options, with your favorite first.
- Inserting code from the uploader or browser doesn’t close the window anymore.
Download Photopress 0.8.1: photopress.zip OR photopress.tar.gz