
Photopress 0.7.3

After trying the last release out on my blog with about 400 or so photos I realized the mass image editor needed a paging function. So now it lists 50 images at a time. I think some sorting would be nice next.

Deleting an image now deletes the original too. You can also set an option to always allow deleting, even if an image is used in a post.

Installation is a little different now. All the files are in a single folder – I learned that WordPress will find plugins files in folders. Just extract the archive in your plugins folder. Create a “photos” folder under wp-content and make sure it’s writable. If you’re upgrading you should delete your old plugin files first, at the very least photopress.php.

Download Photopress 0.7.3: OR photopress.tar.gz

Update: Mindcore found a bug where if you’ve upgraded from 0.5 then upgrading between 0.7 versions would re-run the import function, replacing any new data you’ve entered with the old data. This is now fixed.

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By isaac

I like cats. he/him