
While the uploading parts of Photopress aren’t very useful anymore, I still like some of the other features, such as the album and random image widget. Photopress2 adds a Photopress-like album, a widget, and a shortcode to display images from your WordPress media library.

To activate the album, create a new page with this in it somewhere: <!--pp2_album-->

If the page slug for your album page is something other than ‘photos’ go to Settings:Photopress2 and enter it there. You may need to refresh your permalinks after that to get the album working.

If you don’t enter any tags the album will just display your recent images.

You can enter tags during upload or when you edit an image. There is a simple tag editor at Tools:Image Tags.

If your theme has an image.php template, you may want to add tags to that somewhere. Add something like this where you want the tags to appear:

<?php if (function_exists('photopress2_image_tags')) photopress2_image_tags('Image tags: ', ' '); ?>

The function accepts two arguments – the first is what comes before the list of tags and the second is what comes between them. Nothing is displayed if an image is not tagged.

There is a widget included to display random or recent images in your sidebar. See the readme.txt for details about the options, and also how to use the shortcode.

The album links to images’ attachment pages whenever possible, but images from the media library that are not included in a post don’t have ‘real’ attachment pages – they’re only there if you’re logged in. So, the album links directly to images that are not used in a post. There’s an option at Settings:Photopress2 to use ThickBox to display these images.

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